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    Facebook Connecting users to free Antivirus Software

    Social networking giant Facebook has announced that it is boosting antivirus offerings to its users, according to a report.

    Facebook is directing people to its new malware'checkpoints' if users suspect their computers have been infected with a virus. 

    Two Days Back My Pc Was Infected with an Adware. and When I Log in to Facebook, It Redirected Me to Checkpoint Page. And Facebook Forced Me to Download "McAfee Antivirus Tool" And to begin Scan.

    Through a self-enrollment system, users can access free antivirus programs from McAfee or Microsoft. The company said that the new checkpoints allow users to be more proactive, The Los Angeles Times reports. 

    "Previously, if you suspected you may have malware installed on your device, you would either need to run anti-virus on your device or wait until Facebook identified an actionable threat," the company said in a post. 

    "Now, with our new self-enrollment malware checkpoint, you will be able to proactively obtain your choice of a free anti-virus product to scan and clean your system." 

    Facebook had created an "antivirus marketplace" in early 2012 where users could download trials of security software. 

    The company also developed a system to notify users if their machines had become infected.


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