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    Open links in Chrome via keyboard with DeadMouse

    Now You Can Simply Start Typing the First Letters of a Link to Open it With a New DeadMouse Extension

    The DeadMouse extension for Chrome might be the final piece of the puzzle if you are trying to go for all keyboard shortcuts all the time. You can now perform all manner of tasks in Chrome with keyboard shortcuts, but opening a link still requires a click of the ol' mouse.

    If losing your mouse is something you aspire to, give DeadMouse a whirl. With it, you simply start typing the first few letters of a link you see on the page you are viewing and the link will begin to wobble. Hit Enter and you'll be taken to that page. Hit Shift + Enter and the link will open in a new tab. It's that simple.
    If there is more than one link with the letters you typed, hit Tab to cycle through the links. And if you start wobbling a link you decide you'd rather not open, hit Escape to clear your DeadMouse query.
    Firefox has similar functionality built in. 
    Hit the "/" key and start typing to highlight a link, which you can then hit Enter to open.


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