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    Top 10 Firefox Add-ons to Enhance Facebook experience

    Does Facebook Ticker irritate you? Do you feel like having the old photo viewer back?  Here are solutions. To help users enhance Facebook experience, here are top 10 Firefox add-ons for Facebook, which offer a lot of new features and enhance the overall experience of users on Facebook. These add-ons are to easy to install and use.

    Top 10 FireFox Addons : Facebook

    So Let's See the Top 10 Addons to Enchance Facebook Experience.

    1.Facebook Ticker Removal

    The add-on will help you get rid of the new Facebook ticker, which is located at the top right hand corner of your Facebook page.

    2.FB Purity

    F.B. Purity hides application spam and other annoying clutter from your facebook homepage, lets you increase the font size, and generally makes Facebook a lot less annoying to use. Once installed, you can check if F.B. Purity is working, by loading or reloading your Facebook homepage. A new mini FBP(Facebook Purity) information bar should be displayed just below your status box and just above your news feed. By clicking on the F.B. Purity options screen, you can edit your FBP settings and preferences

    3.Facebook Photo Theater Killer

    Facebook Photo Theater Killer:  works only if you have Greasemonkey, a Firefox extension, installed. This add-on kills your new photo theater on Facebook and loads the old photo viewer.

    4.Tidy Facebook Chat
    Tidy Facebook Chat will hide offline contacts from your Facebook chat and will show only those available.

    5.Facebook Dislike
    Many Times, if you don't like certain updates or photos posted by others. So you prefer avoiding those updates as you can't click the 'Like' button. But with this Firefox add-on, you can now have an option to 'Dislike' status and updates you don't like. The limitation here is that the visibility of dislike action is limited to the users who have installed this add-on. Also, once installed, it puts banner ads on your Facebook page, which is actually annoying.

    Download Facebook Dislike

    6.AdBlock Plus

    If you feel irritated by those big banner ads that appear in the side column of your Facebook page. With this add-on, you can get rid of those ads.
    Download Adblock plus

    7.Thumbnail Zoom

    Thumbnail Zoom shows an enlarged image when you hover over thumbnails on popular websites like Facebook, Twitter or Amazon.
    Download Thumb Zoom

    8.Social Fixer

    Social Fixer for Facebook fixes annoyances, adds features, and enhances existing functionality. It is routed to be making Facebook more fun and efficient. Its features include tabbed news feeds, advanced feed filters, hide read posts, highlight new comments, static header bar, enhanced navigation, friend tracker, expand similar posts, custom CSS, and much more.

    Download Social Fixer


    Facebook FX and features adds many more tweaks to Facebook.com including large Images on hover, emotions, skin styles and much more.
    Download FaceTweak

    10.Save Your Facebook Content

    This add-on will help you save your favourite Facebook photos, statuses and wall posts for forever. 
    Simply install the browser add-on and visit Facebook to start saving the content. After you install this add-on, you will find a save button against every activity that appears on your Facebook page. 
    on clicking the save button, your Facebook items will be saved to memonic.com where you are able to organise them. 
    Users can save up to 100 photos, wall posts and other snippets for free. If you want to save more than 100 Facebook items you have to buy a premium account.

    Download Now


    1. Great Add-ons. I think These Firefox Plugins will Definitely Enhance the Fb Experience.Great Post, it Helped Me a Lot

    2. Glad that it Helped For You,Anyway Thanks For Commenting vivek



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