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    Use Pinterest To Get Massive Traffic To Your Blog

    Over the Past Few years Pinterest Has Gained Massive Attention.Recent Reports Has Declated that Pinterest Has Generated More Referral Traffic Than the Top Social Sites Facebook,Google + and Twitter.

    If you ever had any doubt over just how useful or popular Pinterest is, hop over to Pinterest’s Popular page and judge for Yourself.

    #1 Quality Images

    Just like how quality Content builds SEO, quality images attracts attention and re-pins among Pinterest users. So create beautiful images and photos and add them to your blog and Pinterest Profile. If possible, use your own pictures and make it look as amazing and inspiring as you can.Also Share Interesting Videos On Pinterest Profile.

    #2 Add Pinterest Sharing Plugins

    There are Many plugins that you can put on your blog “Pin It” Button. This is simple to install plugin adds a button on your posts that allows your visitors to easily pin your contents to their Pinterest account.

    It’s customizable giving you flexibility to pre-determine the image to pin or to allow your visitors to select the images themselves. You can also choose the pages to add the button to as well as the location eg above/below content or on post excerpts. Also Add the Pin it Button To Images to share them Easily.

    #3 Run Giveaways and Contests

    Contests and giveaways. Everyone loves them. Run one every now and then to create buzz. You don’t have to get really expensive prizes. Perhaps some blog badges or DIY crafts  or vouchers will do. In return, ask them to re-pin your pins or become followers.

    #4 Monitor the traffic

    It’s not enough to just link the images between your blog and Pinterest, you would need to monitor the traffic that’s being generated. There’s Google Analytics and PinReach that can do the job. You want to analyze your stats and see which pins are your most popular. What kind of images drive traffic and you may want to post more of these kind of images.

    #5 Share the Pins to Social Sites

    Pinterest allows its users to share their pins on their Facebook and Twitter accounts. Make full use of this as it allows your pins to be viewed and subsequently shared by a larger community.At the same time, you can also “remind” your Facebook friends and Twitter followers that you are on Pinterest. 
    So Use Pinterest To Get Back More Traffic to your Blog. it is a Fresh Source of Traffic. So Make Use of these Tips.


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