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    How to add tags to Chrome bookmarks

    Check out this Chrome extension that can quickly find the bookmark you need, allowing you more time for browsing the Web and not your bookmark folders.

    If you're a Chrome user, Bookmarks Tagger has your bookmark organization needs covered. With this extension you can add tags to each bookmark making it easier to find. Using tags is a more efficient way to locate what you're looking for, especially in the case of Web sites having names that are long or unrelated to their content. Best of all, you can search for these tagged bookmarks from the Chrome omnibar.


    First you'll want to grab a copy of Bookmarks Tagger from the Chrome Web Store. After installing, you have two choices:
    1: Open a new Web page, click the Bookmarks Tagger icon in the toolbar, and add tags for a new bookmark.
    2: Import your existing bookmarks and add tags to them.
    To do this, right-click on the Bookmarks Tagger icon and select Options. On the left-hand side of the screen, click the button labeled "import bookmarks" and verify that you want to import them.

    Using Bookmarks Tagger

    To find a specific tag you added, type bt, space, and then the tag. If only one Web site matches the tag, it will open automatically. However, if several Web sites match the tag, the extension will display a list for you to choose from.
    If you need to edit a link or tags associated with a link, you can do that in the same area. The small gray pencil icon next to each link is for editing and the x, you guessed it, is for deleting an entry.
    It's not a new concept, and lots of apps and extensions use tags -- like Evernote, Pocket, and so on -- but it's easier than searching through a bunch of long URLs or bookmark folders.
    How do you keep your bookmarks organized? Do you keep up with a folder system, or do you use another helpful extension like Bookmarks Tagger? Share your methods in the comments!
    Via Cnet


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