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    How to enable Do Not Track Feature in Firefox

    Learn how to turn on Firefox's Do Not Track option, helping you fight against Web sites trying to collect and sell your online habits.

    Tracking is basically the way that Webmasters and advertisers learn about your Web browsing habits. This is where "related ads" come from, despite them not being entirely accurate the majority of the time.

     Turning on this feature for Firefox will send a request to avoid tracking for each Web site you visit. You might be thinking, "If some Web sites ignore the request, what's the point?" Well, what about the ones that adhere to the request? Each of these Web sites is still one fewer company tracking your information. Read on to find out how to enable Do Not Track in Firefox.

    Step 1: Click on the Firefox button in the top left-hand corner of your Web browser window and then choose Options.
    Step 2: Click on the Privacy tab along the top of the new window that pops up.

    Step 3: Check the box next to "Tell Web sites I do not want to be tracked," then click OK to save your changes.
    You may recall that Chrome's Do Not Track feature was added in a recent version, but Firefox's option has been there for some time. Do you think it's worth enabling the option in either Web browser? Share your thoughts in the comments.


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