Facebook Now let's your Friends mention or tag with your Name. Instead of Full name, they can cut off Last Name and make it just First Name.Yes we all love to call our friends by pet names, it makes the conversation funny sometimes and also allows you to create the environment where-in you feel that you are present in the company of your close bunch of friends and have a happy mood.But Do you know, it is also possible to let your Friends tag you by Nick Name or any Name you like.
This is Made Possible With the New inbuilt Feature of adding “Alternative Name” in your Profile.
How to Add Nick Name on Facebook :.
Go to Your Facebook Account Settings
There you can enter Alternative Name which could be your Nick Name, Name which you wish to be called by Friends.
This is Made Possible With the New inbuilt Feature of adding “Alternative Name” in your Profile.
How to Add Nick Name on Facebook :.
Go to Your Facebook Account Settings
There you can enter Alternative Name which could be your Nick Name, Name which you wish to be called by Friends.
So Add New name and Save it. It will take 24 Hours to take effect on Facebook.
How to Tag with Alternate Name on Facebook :.
So Now Once you are done, your Friends can tag you with Your Nick Name like the Normal way they did. by beginning the name with “@” followed by Alternate name.
Well the Prediction Will be shown Below while typing nick name. Even it is the Real name but after selecting that name, Tag will be of Nick name itself.
That’s all,Now You're Done. Enjoy..
Also See :. Five Big Changes Made by Facebook This Year
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